Terms of use.

Terms of use.
The use of this site is governed by its terms and conditions, as below.
- Email policy
- Firmvault Hosted Email
- Firmvault Hosted Email – Wireless solution
- Hosting – Acceptable Use Policy
- Hosting – Terms of Service
- Privacy Policy
- Section 51 – Promotion of Access to Information Act
Firmvault.com is a synch.cc product.
In terms of section 75 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (“the Act”) synch.cc has designated the Internet Service Providers’ Association (ISPA) as an agent to receive notifications of infringements as defined in Section 77 of the Act.
Internet Service Providers’ Association (ISPA)
PO Box 518
Telephone: 010 500 1200
Email: takedown@ispa.org.za
As a member of ISPA, synch.cc upholds the ISPA Code of Conduct.
- Contact us
- info@synch.cc
- +27 (0)82 781-5102
As a member of ISPA, synch.cc upholds the ISPA Code of Conduct.

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