Specialist Network Security Management.
We’ll help protect what matters most – your information.
The information on your computer is valuable to those who want what you’ve got: hackers, vandals, and disgruntled employees in search of revenge or personal gain. Due to the dynamic nature of IT, the evolution of tech, and the inventiveness of criminals, a network can’t be 100% secure. That’s why continuous monitoring and management is needed to prevent attacks. Due to the complexity of the field, it requires the input of professional security consultants to help you protect your biggest asset – your information. We offer Detailed Risk Assessments, Network Policy Development, Security Audits, Activity Monitoring, User Access, and Encryption to do just that.
The Technical Details.
Detailed Risk Assessment
A detailed risk assessment, that meets the criteria of internationally recognised standards, determines the degree of protection required and what countermeasures are needed with a cost and complexity consistent with the value of the data under protection.
Network Policy Development
With a risk assessment as the foundation, a set of network security policies must be devised. This includes business rules and standards for physical and digital security, backup storage, user management, security administration procedures, data access rules, segregation of duties, computer asset management and more should be decided, documented and instituted. In addition, the staff’s security posture, response and interaction with soft attacks, such as social engineering, needs to be addressed.
Security Audits
An initial network security audit should be carried out immediately, which is followed by regular on-going audits – the frequency should be scheduled and adhered to. This determines the baseline for current security and the gap that must be closed when compared to the risk assessment.
A basic foundation of network security is encryption, especially with Internet having become a standard tool for everyday business communications. Encryption is not simply a matter of scrambling data on one side of a network and unscrambling it on the other, it’s a complex process that we plan and execute on your behalf.
User Access
Some studies estimate that a large percent of attacks come from within a company and another states that at any time, 10% of your employees are searching for ways to commit fraud. If true, it makes sense to limit what employees can do on a network. Physical controls, such as biometric access to restricted areas, and digital controls, such as diligent management of users, authorisation and access control lists, are basic but often overlooked.
Activity Monitoring
Monitoring network traffic and event logs can reveal suspicious activity patterns, such as persistent failed logins from a specific network connection or financial transactions that don’t follow the correct approval protocol. By being aware of such events, organisations can take swift action to minimise damage.
- Static code analysis.
- Blackbox or Whitebox site assessments.
- Attestation letter after system assessments.
- Contact us
- +27 (0)82 781-5102
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